The 7-Year Journey will require data gathering, idea generation, and spiritual growth. Below you will find resources to assist with each of these efforts.

The first set of resources is a collection of foundational documents that bring depth and inspiration to our commitment to the 7-Year Journey. The second set of resources provides a sampling of comprehensive guidelines and metrics for cultivating sustainable universities. Lastly, a variety of spiritual resources will help your university pray and reflect upon its commitment.

These resources by no means exhaust what is available. If you know of other helpful resources that should be added to these lists, please send them to

Foundational Documents

Laudato Si'
Healing a Broken World
Depth, Universality, and Learned Ministry
St. Francis Pledge
Universal Apostolic Preferences (Jesuits)
United Nations Development Programme
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future

Comprehensive Sustainability Guides

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Ed
Ecology and Jesuits in Communication
US EPA - Enviro Management Systems
Global Catholic Climate Movement
Global Footprint Network
International Alliance of Research Universities - Green Guide for Universities
The Green Office Movement
UN Enviro Programme: Greening Universities Toolkit
Harvard University Sustainability Plan
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System
Sustainability and Catholic Higher Education: A Toolkit for Mission Integration
UI Green Metric
Net Zero Handbook
The Chair of “Fondation Diane“ in Education for Eco-Citizenship and Sustainable Development (CEEDD) - Bridging the academic wld with the civil society

Environmental Spirituality Resources

A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation
An Ecological Examen
Environment & Sustainability Prayers
The Deignan Institute for Earth and Spirit
Mercy Ecospirituality Center
Proposing an Examen for Living the Ecology of Daily Life
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation